
Microsoft Word Cursor Change

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  1. Ms Word Change Cursor Appearance
  2. Microsoft Word Change Cursor Color
Active2 years, 7 months ago

Is it possible to change text cursor color systemwide? I want to make it easy to catch red color.

Apr 02, 2009  Cursor characters are controlled by your operating system, not Word. The 'I' beam cursor is the default for text selection. If you really want to mess with your cursors, go ahead, but it will affect every program, not just Word. Apr 01, 2014  So what i would like to do is put some VBA code in the AutoOpen that would change the cursor or mouse pointer or whatever the correct name is for it, to an arrow or whatever other optional icons might be better and basically i'm havinig a problem seeing the beam sometimes when returning from a hyperlink jump.


2 Answers

Divergent book download. For most controls the caret doesn't have a 'color'. It inverts the color of the pixels behind it - white becomes black, blue becomes yellow, etc. Here is a paragraph I found from Windows.

Apr 01, 2018  In the Adjust List Indents window, change the Bullet position to adjust the bullet indent size or change the Text indent to adjust the text indent size after a bullet. Microsoft Word 2000 and earlier. Place your cursor in a bulleted or numbered line in the document. Microsoft Windows may not provide a suitable alternative to the cursor you presently use. If this is the case, you may want to consider downloading a cursor from a third party. For example, Real World Graphics has created several alternative cursors for Windows 7 that you can download for free at the site listed below under Resources. Jun 25, 2018  Creating special templates is a great way to establish 'standards' for your documents. With a little ingenuity you can even force the insertion point to a set location in a new document created from your templates. This tip shows how easy this is to accomplish. How to change text cursor color in Windows? Ask Question Asked 2 years, 7 months ago. Active 2 years, 7 months ago. Can't change text color in Microsoft Word 2010. How do I change the blinking underline cursor color in Command Prompt? Change color of pages.

After the caret is defined, use the ShowCaret function to make the caret visible. When the caret appears, it automatically begins flashing. To display a solid caret, the system inverts every pixel in the rectangle; to display a gray caret, the system inverts every other pixel; to display a bitmap caret, the system inverts only the white bits of the bitmap.

I have never seen an example of someone changing the color, but you can change shape, flashing, width. But if you go into Control panel -> Ease of Access -> Make the computer easier to see you can adjust other options. Guide


The only option I have found is to use an utility called Aml Maple. It colors cursor depending on current keyboard Layout. I set red color to all layouts, so I got what I needed. It does not work in some applications, has monstrous UI, but otherwise does its work pretty well. So I'll mark it as an answer.


Ms Word Change Cursor Appearance

Microsoft Word Cursor Change

Microsoft Word Change Cursor Color

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