Microsoft Sqlserver Management Sdk
- Microsoft Sql Server Types Download
- Version= Culture=neutral Publickeytoken
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When I tried to open SQL Management Studio for SQL Server 2012, I got the following error: Service 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.IRegistrationService' not found Actually, it's annoying message that appears every time I have opened the SQL Server Management Studio. I just clicked OK and everything is working properly. But I am trying to find any solution avoid 'Service.
-->- Differencing Namespace In this article Classes DifferencingService: The factory to obtain an Differencer. Interfaces IDiffEntry: Represent the difference of two versions of an identical object.
- Sfc Namespace In this article Classes ConditionedSql. All management of the value and state of a property must pass through here or it may not be tracked correctly such as dirty state and retrieved state. If a strongly-typed property in the derived class simply wants to talk directly to its.
- Public XmlReadOrderByRedirect (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.XmlRead xmlReader); new Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.XmlReadOrderByRedirect.
ConditionedSql | class encapsulateing a conditioned sqlthat is a sql the is neccessary only when a property is requested |
ConditionedSqlList | a list of CondtionedSql |
ConnectionHelpers | Provides methods to provide database-scoped connections in place of a server-scoped connection |
DataProvider | exeposes the results as a tsql as a DataTable or a data readerexecutes necessary postprocesses and type conversions |
Dependency | describes a dependency relationship: for a Urn a list of dependencies |
DependencyChainCollection | models a generalized tree of dependencies |
DependencyRequest | encapsulates a dependency request |
DisplayCategoryKeyAttribute | The key used to look up the localized property category |
DisplayDescriptionKeyAttribute | The key used to look up the localized description |
DisplayNameKeyAttribute | The key used to look up the localized property name |
DmfIgnorePropertyAttribute | |
DomainRootKey | Keys of domain roots must inherit from this class, not SfcKey |
DynamicValuesAttribute | add this attribute to a property where you would like the values to be a dynamic list.The class that has a property with this attribute set must implement the IDynamicValues interface asthe GetStandardValues mothod on that interface will be called to retrieve the valid values. If the attribute is present but not the interface no list will be returned so it will usually resultin an empty drop down list being shown. |
DynamicValueTypeConverter | The DynamicValueTypeConverter is used to call into the containing class to allow theclass to generate the dynamic list. This TypeConverter is created and returned for any properties that have the DynamicValuesattribute enabled. |
Enumerator | The Enumerator class is the front end of this assembly |
EnumeratorException | base class for all enumerator exceptions |
EnumObject | classes that implement a XPATH level must be derived from this class |
EnumResult | container for the result received from the enumerator |
ExecuteSql | this class is used to execute tsqlit is the only way tsql gets executed by the enumerator |
ExtendedPropertyAttribute | Indicated that this property depends on another propertyfor metadata and value changes |
FilterDecoder | parses the syntactical tree to build the tsql where clause |
FilterNode | base class for elements in the filter |
FilterNodeAttribute | a node that encapsulates an attribute in the filter |
FilterNodeChildren | holds a list of subnodes |
FilterNodeConstant | a node that encapsulates a constant in the filter |
FilterNodeFunction | a function in the filter |
FilterNodeGroup | pharantesis |
FilterNodeOperator | operator |
FilterPropertyEventArgs | |
InternalEnumeratorException | internal exception - fatal error |
InvalidConfigurationFileEnumeratorException | thrown when an error is encountered reading the configuration file |
InvalidPropertyUsageEnumeratorException | a property has been used in a place which is not covered by its Usage property |
InvalidQueryExpressionEnumeratorException | thrown when the XPATH expression is invalid |
InvalidVersionEnumeratorException | a level that is not supported on a particular version has been used |
LinkField | component of link multiplespecifies the link fileld name, type andvalue that is dynamically resoolved |
LinkMultiple | encapsulates a concept used in many constructs in thexml configuration file: creating an expression based on one or more fields |
LocalizableEnumConverter | The LocalizableEnumConverter allows for the values of an Enum to be converted to localizedstrings based on the DisplayNameKey attribute applied to the individual items in the Enum. |
LocalizableMemberDescriptor | LocalizableMemberDescriptor is a generic descriptor that LocalizableTypeConverter uses to returnMemberDescriptor information for Types. |
LocalizablePropertyDescriptor | LocalizablePropertyDescriptor. |
LocalizableTypeConverter | A type converter to show the properies of a class using localized name, description, and category |
LocalizedPropertyResourcesAttribute | The name of the resources containing localized property category, name, and description strings |
NamedDomainKey<T> | The domain key with a string name for a general SFC domain root instance class. |
NamedKey<T> | The single string name key for an instance class. |
ObjectInfo | The Request encapsulates connection info and the actual request |
ObjectProperty | ObjectProperty description |
OrderBy | describes an order by clause |
PhysicalFacetAttribute | |
PropertiesRequest | this component of the |
PropertyAlias | describes how the property names will be aliased |
PropertyOrderAttribute | add this attribute to a property to specify the position that will be usedwhen designer doesnt apply a 'Categorized' or 'Alphabetical' sort order(e.g. when PropertyGrid doesnt override the sort order - has PropertySort=NoSort) |
QueryNotSupportedEnumeratorException | a valid query but using features that are unsupported has been used |
ReadOnlyPropertyChangedEventArgs | EventArgs raised by the ReadOnlyPropertyChagned event to indicate which property was changed |
Request | The Request encapsulates the request options |
RequestObjectInfo | The Request encapsulates connection info and the actual request |
RequestParentSelect | encapsulates a request parent selectbasically the select that would give the results for the parent level ( without prefix/postfix) |
ResultTypeNotSupportedEnumeratorException | thown when an unsuported |
RootFacetAttribute | Custom attribute that identifies root facets English to hindi converter downloads. This software offers a solution for users who want to translate English to Hindi and vice versa. Text can be loaded from a file and the translation pair (English to Hindi or Hindi to English) is. Download english to hindi converter software for free. Education software downloads - English To Hindi and Hindi To English Converter Software by Sobolsoft and many more programs are available for instant and free download. |
SchemaNamedKey<T> | The composite string schema and name key for an instance class. |
SfcAfterObjectMovedEventArgs | Event arguments passed when an object is successfully moved, after the client-side updating. |
SfcAfterObjectRenamedEventArgs | Event arguments passed when an object is successfully renamed, after the client-side updating. |
SfcApplication | The Sfc system and its global events and data. |
SfcApplicationEvents | This class holds global Sfc events |
SfcBeforeObjectMovedEventArgs | Event arguments passed when an object is successfully moved, before the client-side updating. |
SfcBeforeObjectRenamedEventArgs | Event arguments passed when an object is successfully renamed, before the client-side updating. |
SfcCollatedDictionaryCollection<T,K,ParentT> | |
SfcCollection<T,K,ParentT> | The Sfc collection base for all domain collections.It abstracts all the necesssary handshaking between the parent object, and the collection or element objects. |
SfcCollectionInfo | Class that wraps collections. PS expands collections in the pipeline by defaultfor enumreable types, so this stops that.I moved this into SFC, as it needs to be shared between cmdlets and provider. I didnot want to add a new shared GAC'ed assembly to setup for this, hence explains why itis here. |
SfcConnection | |
SfcConnectionContext | |
SfcCRUDOperationFailedException | This exception is thrown on attempt to perform an operation that is invalid for an object in given state |
SfcDependencyEngine | The DepEngine class provides the graph manipulation, population, storage and discovery execution logic toperform complete discovery services, and is then accessed from DepIterators afterwards to walk results in various ways. |
SfcDependencyEngine.DependencyListEnumerator | |
SfcDependencyEngine.DependencyNodeEnumerator | The DependencyNodeEnumerator is general graph node enumerator which can be obtained in two ways:
SfcDependencyEngine.DependencyTreeEnumerator | The DependencyTreeEnumerator is the top-level enumerator obtained from a SfcDependencyEngine to traverse results of the graph.Use the Children property of the current SfcDependencyNode item to request a DependencyNodeEnumerator for the item children, if any.The Current item is presented as a SfcDependencyNode, and the client is responsible for traversal in whatever manner desired. |
SfcDependencyNode | The SfcDependencyNode is used for enumerator access to the Sfc objects and their KeyChains resulting from a SfcDependencyEngine discovery. |
SfcDesignModeException | This exception is thrown when the Design Mode switch failed. |
SfcDictionaryCollection<T,K,ParentT> | |
SfcDomainInfo | Class to hold domains' information |
SfcDomainInfoCollection | Readonly Collection to hold the current domains informationCurrently it holds information only about SMO, DC, DMF and ACMETODO: Add extensions to support loading more domains information from XML documents. |
SfcEmptyXmlException | This exception is thrown during deserialization if the Xml is either empty or does not containany xml that could be deserialized |
SfcEventArgs | Base argument class for Sfc events |
SfcException | This is the base class for all SFC exceptions. Never throw this exception directly. TODO: Left the Serializable flag in and the FxCop directives. We need to apply theseto all other exception classes (next improvement). |
SfcInstance | The base class for all Sfc object types in a domain. |
SfcInstance<K,T> | The generic base class for all Sfc object types in a domain. |
SfcInvalidArgumentException | This exception is thrown any time an invalid argument is passed into an Sfc class or service. |
SfcInvalidConnectionContextModeChangeException | This exception gets thrown when an invlaid connection context mode change is attempted. |
SfcInvalidKeyChainException | This exception gets thrown when a key chain is set on an objectbut the parent is already set to a different parent than the keychain parent |
SfcInvalidKeyException | This exception gets thrown when a property is not set but itis required for the current operation. |
SfcInvalidMoveException | This exception is thrown when an invalid move is attempted. |
SfcInvalidQueryExpressionException | This exception is thrown when an invalid type of query is passed to the ObjectQuery |
SfcInvalidRenameException | This exception is thrown when an invalid rename is attempted. |
SfcInvalidStateException | This exception is thrown on attempt to perform an operation that is invalid for an object in given state |
SfcInvalidStreamException | This exception is thrown any time a stream that is closed or in an invalid error state is passed into an Sfc class or service. |
SfcInvalidXmlParentTypeException | This exception is thrown during deserialization if a parent Type is given and it is not the correct Type to parent the top-levelobjects the Xml contains |
SfcKey | The SfcKey class is the base class for all nested Key classes which every SfcInstance-derived object must have.It implements equality and hashing but not comparison, since Keys are only required to know if they are equal or not. Keys are meant to be immutable once constructed, hence a Key should not contain data which can change during the Key object's lifetime.Do not use field(s) as part of a Key which are not truly part of the identity the Key represents. We may enforce this by disallowing set()on the internal properties for the Key. Any ordering or collation needs are addressed by implementing:
SfcListCollection<T,K,ParentT> | |
SfcMetadataException | |
SfcMissingParentException | Can't perform this operation when Parent isn't set |
SfcNonSerializablePropertyException | This exception is thrown during deserialization if the Xml contains invalid properties. |
SfcNonSerializableTypeException | This exception is thrown during serialization if the output generated is invalid. |
SfcObjectAlteredEventArgs | Event arguments passed when an object is altered. |
SfcObjectCreatedEventArgs | Event arguments passed when an object is created. |
SfcObjectDroppedEventArgs | Event arguments passed when an object is dropped. |
SfcObjectExtender<TSfcInstance> | Used as a base class for objects that needs to be extended with additional propertiesAllows to add these new properties to the PropertySet, so they can be accessed using PropertyProviderAlso, it helps to establish dependancy between extended property and original one |
SfcObjectFactory | |
SfcObjectInitializationException | This exception gets thrown when a property is not set but itis required for the current operation. |
SfcObjectNotScriptableException | Can't find scripting operation for this object |
SfcObjectQuery | |
SfcPathConversionException | Thrown when a URN to PS Path conversion fails. |
SfcProperty | The element type of PropertyCollections which specifies the value, info and state of a particular property of an object instance.It uses the SfcPropertyCollection and its access to the Sfc type-specific IPropertyDataDispatch data interface for value access,and its access to the metadata for property info. All management of the value and state of a property must pass through here or it may not be tracked correctly such as dirty stateand retrieved state. If a strongly-typed property in the derived class simply wants to talk directly to its PropertyBag member, it would have to updat |
SfcPropertyCollection | Each instance has a SfcPropertyCollection which is used for general access to the property names, values and info.It uses the metatdata each type provides for info about the properties. It also uses the PropertyDataDispatch proxy classto map property indexes to strongly-typed data members in the PropertyBag of each Sfc instance |
SfcPropertyMetadataChangedEventArgs | |
SfcPropertyNotSetException | This exception gets thrown when a property is not set but itis required for the current operation. |
SfcPropertyReadOnlyException | This exception gets thrown when trying to set a readonly property |
SfcProxyInstance<K,T,TRef> | The generic base class for a proxy to another target instance.The properties available are the proxy instance properties plus plus the target instance properties.If both the proxy and target instances have the same name for a property, then the proxy property is the one that is exposed.All target instance properties can always be obtained by explicitly accessing the proxy.Reference property which is the target instance. |
SfcQueryConnectionUnavailableException | This exception is thrown during GetConnection(ObjectQueryMode) on a domain root object if a suitable connection cannot be returnedto support the type of query mode requested. It is usually due to a muptiple query request with a server in single user mode, or some otherinability to return a connection other than the current default one. |
SfcQueryExpression | |
SfcReferenceCollection<K,T,S> | The Sfc collection base for all domain collections.It abstracts all the necesssary handshaking between the parent object, and the collection or element objects. |
SfcRegistration | |
SfcSecureString | |
SfcSecurityException | |
SfcSerializationException | This exception is thrown during serialization if the output generated is invalid. |
SfcSerializer | |
SfcSimpleNodeFactory | This factory is used to obtain SfcSimpleNode from legacy Smo object. It allows Smo or Sfcobject model to be walked in the same code path. |
SfcSqlCeNotInstalledException | This exception is thrown when SQLCE is not installed properly. |
SfcSqlPathUtilities | |
SfcTSqlExecutionEngine | |
SfcTSqlExecutor | |
SfcTsqlProcFormatter | |
SfcTSqlScript | |
SfcTypeMetadata | Provide type metadata for the object (information that doesn't change with every instance) |
SfcUnregisteredXmlDomainException | This exception is thrown during deserialization if the Xml contains an unregistered domain |
SfcUnregisteredXmlTypeException | This exception is thrown during deserialization if the Xml contains an unregistered type within a domain |
SfcUnsupportedVersionException | This exception is thrown when a property in not supported for current Server Version. |
SfcUnsupportedVersionSerializationException | This exception is thrown during deserialization if the Xml contains invalid properties. |
SfcUtility | Utility class for miscellaneous functions |
SimpleNodeAdapter | A mechansim that let a client adapters a custom object model into SfcSimpleNode. The adapter provides default implementation by reflection, where possible. |
SqlEnumResult | derives from the enumerator EnumResult too add sql extension specific functionality |
SqlObject | SqlObject adds to SqlObjectBase logic to initialize from an xml file |
SqlObjectBase | main work horse for the sql enumerator. it generates the tsql for a level andcomunicates with the other levels |
SqlObjectProperty | class ecapsulating information about a property |
SqlPropertyLink | class encapsulating a property_linkused do indicate joins |
SqlRequest | SqlRequest extends the enuemrator Requestwith sql extension specific fields |
SqlStoreConnection | This class is a connection to a Sql Server. |
StatementBuilder | constructs the tsql that will get the data |
TraceHelper | This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.This class defines methods used for tracing. |
UnknownPropertyEnumeratorException | thrown when a unknown property is requested |
UnknownTypeEnumeratorException | thrown whe an unknown level is used |
UpgradeSession | This class supplies the information of each instance to the domainand seeks upgraded content, which conforms to the current versionof an object model |
Urn | Expresion used to identify one or more objects |
Util | Contains common utility functions |
ValidationMethod | Encapsulates various common state operations |
ValidationResult | Provides detailed validation information. |
ValidationState | Provides overall state information. |
XmlRead | base class for parsing a xml configuration file |
XmlReadConditionedStatement | class to read a conditioned statement |
XmlReadConditionedStatementFailCondition | class to read a fail_condition |
XmlReadConditionedStatementPostfix | class to read postfix |
XmlReadConditionedStatementPostProcess | class to read a post_process |
XmlReadConditionedStatementPrefix | class to read a prefix tag |
XmlReadDoc | read an xml configuration file |
XmlReadInclude | class for reading an INCLUDE |
XmlReadLinkFields | class to read link_fields |
XmlReadMultipleLink | class to read a multiple link |
XmlReadOrderByRedirect | read an redirect_orderby |
XmlReadParentLink | class to read a parent link |
XmlReadProperties | class for reading a list of properties |
XmlReadProperty | class for reading a property |
XmlReadPropertyLink | class to read a property link |
XmlReadRepeated | read an element that is repated more then once( e.g. a list of property tags ) |
XmlReadSettings | class to read the SETTING tag |
XmlReadSimpleParentLink | class to read a simple parent linkd |
XmlReadSpecialQuery | class to read a special query |
XmlRequestParentSelect | class to read a request_parent_select |
XmlRequestParentSelectField | claa to read a parent select field |
XmlUtility | colection of functions for parsing an xml using SAX |
XPathException | exception denoting a syntax error in the xpath |
XPathExpression | syntactical representation of the XPATH expression |
XPathExpressionBlock | represents an XPATH level |
Microsoft Sql Server Types Download
ReadOnlyList<T> | A generic struct that exposes the read-only interface of a list while hidesits mutable interface. |
SfcInstanceSerializedData | This struct is used to transfer serialized information of anysfc instance to its corresponding domain |
SfcTsqlProcFormatter.RuntimeArg | This struct is used for arguments that are not based on aSfcProperty inside of the object, but on some arbitraryvalue. |
SfcTsqlProcFormatter.SprocArg | |
SQLToolsCommonTraceLvl | This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.Defines values used for tracing. |
Interfaces Version= Culture=neutral Publickeytoken
IAlienObject | |
IAlienRoot | |
IDmfFacet | Base Facet interface - indicates inheriting interface is a Facet |
IDynamicProperties | Allows an object to dynamicaly add properties to the property grid |
IDynamicReadOnly | Allows an object to dynamicaly override the IsReadOnly value for any property |
IDynamicValues | The IDynamicValues interface is used to create dynamic lists for string properties. A classshould implement this interface, and use the DynamicValuesAttribute (below), to enable thegeneration of dynamic values. This interace and attribute can be used when a list of strings that will not be known until run-timeshould be shown in a drop down list. Good examples of this are database names, users, collations, etc. |
IDynamicVisible | The IDynamicVisible interface should be implemented by any class that wants to limitthe visibility of certain Enum values based on state of the class at that moment. If a class contains a property which exposes an Enum and that class implements theIDynamicVisible interface then it will be called for each property that is of an Enum type. The context param can be used to determine for which Enum this method is being called. If a classonly has one Enum it is not necessary to make this check. The way to limit the visibility of certain items is to simply remove the unwanted Enum valuesfrom the values ArrayList. This method is called on every drop down of the enum so it is possibleto change the list on each and every drop down. If the list will not change once it has beeninitially determined caching the ArrayList and returning it would be helpful. Care should be taken to ensure that you are not removing values that the Enum property is alreadyset to. This will not cause any errors as all Enum values are still valid but when the user clickson the dropdown they will not see the current choice as an option. Also no new values should be added to the list since these values will not be convertable to validEnum values and an error will be thrown at runtime. If more dynamic control is needed thenconsider using the DynamicValues design. |
IEnumDependencies | defines method by which the dependencies are requested |
IReadOnlyCollection | The readonly collection minimal base interface. |
IReadOnlyCollection<T> | An interface to an immutable collection. |
IReadOnlyDictionary<K,T> | Represents a generic read-only collection of key/value pairs. |
IReadOnlyList<T> | Represents a strongly typed list of objects that can be accessed by index. |
IReadOnlySet | An interface to an immutable set. |
IReadOnlySet<T> | An interface to an immutable set. |
IScriptedByParent | Inform Sfc that this object is scripted by its parent and does not generate its own CRUD scripting.There are no methods to implement, this is a sentinel interface. |
ISfcAlterable | |
ISfcCollection | This interface is available on all Sfc collections and is passed to the non-generic SfcInstance class to perform necessarycollection operations such as child initialization. |
ISfcCreatable | |
ISfcDependencyDiscoveryObjectSink | The ISfcDependencyDiscoveryObjectSink interface is implemented by the SfcDependencyEngine class.It is passed to SfcInstance objects as a sink to add relationships into the graph.Note that the target objects receiving the interface are always one side of the relation tuple,hence limiting addition to directly-related relationships. |
ISfcDiscoverObject | The ISfcDiscoverObject interface is implemented on all SfcInstanced-derived objects and is used to ask an individual objectto report all known relationships in or out of the object for the dependency discovery engine. The object will automatically be markedas discovered by the dependency system upon return. |
ISfcDomain | A root SfcInstance-derived object must implement ISfcDomain |
ISfcDomain2 | Extension for ISfcDomain to accommodate domain specific functionalitylike generating 'view' path for an object (as opposed to its 'physical' path) |
ISfcDomainLite | A light weight interface exposing basic properties of a SfcDomain. |
ISfcDroppable | |
ISfcExecutionEngine | ISfcExecutionEngine is an abstraction over a domain-provided component that is able to execute an ISfcScript |
ISfcHasConnection | ISfcDomain domain roots must implement this interface. |
ISfcMarkForDrop | |
ISfcMovable | |
ISfcNotifyPropertyMetadataChanged | Notifies clients that a property metadata has changed. |
ISfcProperty | |
ISfcPropertyProvider | This interface needs to be provided by top level classes (or by a base class of a top level class).It provides an interface into the object's properties. |
ISfcPropertySet | This is the interface that gives access to a set (collection, list or other aggregation)of properties. |
ISfcPropertyStorageProvider | |
ISfcRenamable | |
ISfcScript | ISfcScript interface is an abstraction over a script concept. Most domains would implementthis interface via text |
ISfcScriptCollector | Provide an access to the Script Collector instance |
ISfcSerializableUpgrade | This interface supports upgrading older version's serializedcontent to conform to the newer version |
ISfcSimpleList | A simple interface for IEnumerable |
ISfcSimpleMap<TKey,TValue> | A simple interface for indexer |
ISfcSimpleNode | ISfcSimpleNode is a simple interface to walk a Sfc or Sfc-adapted graph. Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is a military simulation video game for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 developed by British game developer Codemasters. Codemasters has advertised the game as a tactical shooter designed to represent modern infantry combat realistically. Operation flashpoint dragon rising iso. Dec 02, 2015 Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is a game about a fictitious conflict on one of the Sakhalin islands, a conflict that is in danger of erupting onto a global scale. The player takes the role of a US soldier, part of the allied force fighting against outnumbering Chinese forces vying for. Oct 06, 2009 Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is a game about a fictitious conflict on one of the Sakhalin islands, a conflict that is in danger of erupting onto a global scale. The player takes the role of a US soldier, part of the allied force fighting against outnumbering Chinese forces vying for. |
ISfcSupportsDesignMode | The interface's only purpose is to “mark” types that we want to work in Design Mode.A type (class) needs to inherit from this interface if it wants to work in Design Mode.That mechanism also allows a client of the model to programmatically discover which classessupport Design Mode, which can be useful in certain scenarios. |
ISfcValidate | Interface that allows object state to be validated. |
ISqlFilterDecoderCallback | Interface that must be implemebted by the user of FilterDecoder |
ISupportDatabaseEngineEditions | This interface is used to get the database engine edition from the connection |
ISupportDatabaseEngineTypes | This interface is used to get the database engine type from the connection |
ISupportInitData | implemented by levels that need a configuration file |
ISupportInitDatabaseEngineData | implemented by Smo Enumerator to read the Configuration files of the SMO Object |
ISupportVersions | can only be on the first object. if it wants to do some housekeeping with the connection |
IUrnFragment | IUrnFragment is a communication interface between SFC and key creation mechanisms in domains |
IXmlSerializationAdapter | Interface of adapter that serializes and deserializes object of a some non SFC type for SfcSerializer. |
DataProvider.RetriveMode | describes how the data will be retrived |
FilterNode.Type | type of filter node |
FilterNodeConstant.ObjectType | constant type |
FilterNodeFunction.Type | function type |
FilterNodeOperator.Type | operator type |
LinkFieldType | type of the field in link |
ObjectPropertyUsages | enumarates possible usages for a property |
OrderBy.Direction | direction to order by |
PhysicalFacetOptions | Possible specialized PhysicalFacet types |
PropertyAlias.AliasKind | describes the alias method |
PropertyMode | Enumarates possible modes of a property |
RequestFieldsTypes | specified how the list of fields specified in |
RequestObjectInfo.Flags | flags indicate what must be retrieved |
ResultType | in what storage will the result be retrived for the Request |
SfcConnectionContextMode | The mode of the object tree for client and server processing rules.Offline - no connection to the server for reads or writes at all.Online - full connection to the server for both reads and writes.TransactedBatch - full connection for reads, queue all writes to action log.mode changed to Online, or explicit FlushActionLog() - perform all writes with transaction bracketing, do not pop queue.mode changed to Offline - discard action log.NonTransactedBatch - full connection for reads, queue all writes to action log.mode changed to Online, or explicit FlushActionLog() - perform all writes, pop queue as each action done.mode changed to Offline - discard action log. |
SfcDependencyAction | The SfcDependencyAction enum indicates the intended action for which this graph instance is to applied. it is made available to the client codeas discovery, filtering and results enumeration are processed to make use of this information. It is assumed that domain-specific decisionswill take this intent into account as processing proceeds.This is a fixed enum which may not be extended at present. |
SfcDependencyDirection | The SfcDependencyDirection enum indicates the direction of the relation relative to the current object.This is used when the direction is not already somehow implied. |
SfcDependencyDiscoveryMode | The DiscoveryMode enum indicates the types of relationships which should be processed in the dependency graph.These are pre-defined permutations of the lower-level relation flags which we currently do not expose direct control over picking.It is the responsibility of the domains and objects called on to add relations to honor this mode.
SfcObjectQueryMode | This enumeration determines the use of query iterators on object query results. It only applies to queries returning an iterator.Caching avoids these issues entirely at the expense of first caching all of the query results in memory.Single or multiple active queries both use a non-cached iterator, but affect how the domain instance responds the GetConnection method. All iterators of query results must always be disposed as soon as they are no longer in use regardless of mode. |
SfcObjectState | |
SfcSerializedTypes | This enum represents all possible SML nodes inserialized content of an sfc instance |
SfcTSqlExecutor.ExecutionMode | |
SfcTypeRelation | TODO: Move to the SfcTypeInfo when defined.The SfcTypeRelation enum describes the type of relation between two objects.It defines whether the relation is of a parent-child vs. referential nature,the direction of the relation if any, and determines which types of relations are applicablein different DepedencyDIscoveryMode processing scenarios. |
XPathExceptionCode | TODO | Free Download
FilterPropertyHandler | |
SfcApplication.SfcAfterObjectMovedEventHandler | called when an object is successfully moved, after the client-side updating |
SfcApplication.SfcAfterObjectRenamedEventHandler | called when an object is successfully renamed, after the client-side updating |
SfcApplication.SfcBeforeObjectMovedEventHandler | called when an object is successfully moved, before the client-side updating |
SfcApplication.SfcBeforeObjectRenamedEventHandler | called when an object is successfully renamed, before the client-side updating |
SfcApplication.SfcObjectAlteredEventHandler | called when an object is successfully altered |
SfcApplication.SfcObjectCreatedEventHandler | Called when an object is successfully created |
SfcApplication.SfcObjectDroppedEventHandler | called when an object is successfully dropped |